We checked out her gift store and I bought her memoire. That woman sure has worked hard for where she is today! She suffered from agoraphobia for almost 20 years. We also went to her brother's restaurant Uncle Bubba's Oyster House and it was FABULOUS!! It was so good, we went there twice! I highly recommend it, especially the chargrilled oysters!
We did a lot of touristy stuff, sight seeing and such. It was COLD for us Floridians, let me tell you! I had to buy a scarf and we layered up. Hey y'all up north, don't laugh!
I even got a picture of a ghost, I think. We were doing one of those ghost tours inside the Sorrel-Weed house, which is supposedly an actual proven and documented haunted house. The Sci-Fi channel did a story on this house or something. Anyway, we were in the basement and it was pitch black...there were no lights except the ones coming in from the patio. I took this picture in the dark with my flash and I think there is an "orb" right about where the door handle is (a little above to the left).
Either that or it's dust. :-)
Did you try Elizabeth's On 37th?
FC, no we didn't. There's just so much up there that it's impossible to do in one weekend. We'll be back!
BTW, I never heard of Elizabeths, is it any good? What kind of place is it?
Looks like you had fun, good food and ghost hunting too!
Welcome back!
We love Savannah, and will probably go back there this fall. We've eaten at Paula Deen's restaurant, but both times, we've had to wait in line for well over an hour. Not my idea of fun.
The food was, as you said, was just okay. Very down home, simple fare. That said, we rolled out of there feeling pretty satiated. Waiting in line (for what seemed like an eternity) will do that to you.
I have never been to Uncle Bubba's restaurant though. Sounds like the place to be.
Regarding the orb, it might be a speck of dust, or, one of many patrons whose hearts never recovered from Paula's awl-laden southern cookin'.
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