Thursday, August 21, 2008

Alright Fay, Go the Hell Away!

Day 3: Rains and wind gusts over 50 mph still continue to make life miserable.

Umbrella casualty = 1. Natives are getting restless (meaning me).

No moar!


R.Powers said...

Send it to me!!

OhioMom said...

....and here I am whining because we are reaching light drought conditions here, sigh my garden could use a little (emphasis on little) of that rain.

Just the Right Size said...

FC, sorry to hear your pond didn't get any love! You can glady take this rain.

Ohiomom, be my guest to all this loverly precipitation! We don't want it anymore! :-)

jojo said...

NOW that is hilarious... Noah didn't show up here... all i have is goats tiptoeing around thinking they won't get their feet dirty or wet if they hop like a bunny.

And you aren't going to believe this. but have a squall coming thru right now... 4 days into this.

OH NO!! it's coming back!!!

Anonymous said...

Kathy, I didn't know you were a poet ;-Þ
And I'm a big fan of LOL cats.

I've been keeping an eye on Fay, and you're right, that w(b)itch has overstayed her welcome.

Anonymous said...

Out! Out damned storm!

She's really hammering Orlando. Are y'all drying out yet? We just got some sun about 10 minutes ago. (seriously!)

Just the Right Size said...

What is that burning ball of light in the sky? Could it be the sun? Armaggedon? Roseanne Barr?

Lots, and lots of flooding here folks. Hubs and I are dead glad we installed a French drain a few years ago.

House is fine; we are fine; the garden/yard is hammered flat. Sigh.

The mosquitos are the size of chickens. I can see them licking their chops through the sliding glass window!

No mas!!!


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