Friday, October 12, 2018

Soapy Friday: Rethinking Laundry Soap

Whooo...I've been busier than a one-legged paper hanger lately! My laundry cream got me thinking...although it worked fine and it was wonderful, it WAS a cream that required distilled water to make. And water means you need to use a preservative, which I wanted to avoid.

Laundry Soap Powder
So, I reformulated it back into a good-ol'-fashioned soap powder. It works just a well, it requires less ingredients (which equals less $$ to make) AND it's cheaper to package. I'm thinking ahead here, and I think there is a want and need for a more natural laundry product.

So, there's that. Also, I've been testing fragrance oils like cray around here. I'm having a love affair with Nuture Soaps and this might very well be my numero uno fragrance oil company for the future.

Testing Fragrance Oils in Cold Processed Soap

PLUS, they sent me the most awesome Ryan...I mean LOOK AT IT! They even friggin' laminated it!

"Hey Girl..."
Lastly, I sold some of my very first bars of soap last weekend! Hubby and I finally got around to having a garage sale and I decided to put out a display for my soap, body butter, and laundry soap. I friggin' sold $150 worth of my stuff ALONE! I so wish I had gotten a pic of my setup...but I was too busy and distracted. Sigh.

Anywho, things are really looking up...I'm hoping to debut my logo & business cards soon! Have a great weekend everyone!


Mary said...

Congrats on selling your products. Hurray! When you get those cards, send me a few. I have people who want to buy your products too. Saw Ryan Gosling on Ellen today and thought of you.

Just the Right Size said...

Ryan on Ellen??? Sigh...I missed it. :-(


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