Friday, April 21, 2017

Soapy Friday - Rose Bombs and Pear Lime Soap

I've still been in my basement experimenting with recipes and techniques. Yesterday, I made an amazing soap using a mantra swirl technique and used Anjou Pear and Lime fragrance oils (FOs). It smelled AMAZEBALLS!

I think I have settled on a bath bomb recipe. These are Rose Bombs that are scented with 50% "Rosehip and Jasmine" FO and 50% "Honey I Washed The Kids" FO, and this might very well be my most favorite fragrance combo I've done to date. They are topped with dried, organic rose petals...heaven!

I tried my first hanger swirl technique using some "Karma" essential oil and FO blend. I luuuuve the scent, but my technique needs work as well as learning what temperatures work better for doing swirls. It's topped with a gold mica swirl and black sea salt, and the black parts are colored with activated charcoal. The batter in this batch was a little too firm to do a nice swirl. Still it's interesting and smells wonderful...

Interesting thing when I cut the Pear and Lime soap, I found that I had a partial gel (rats!). I am trying to achieve gel using a heating pad, but I still need to find what works and for how long. I might try this "How to fix a partial gel" technique and see what happens. Still, I might leave it this way, as the different colored swirls are kinda interesting...

Pretty soap, and it's topped with a little bit of white silver mica for some shimmer.

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