Thursday, August 20, 2015

August In The Garden

It's been so darn hot lately that I have all but abandoned the garden. I had thoughts of starting some fall spinach and maybe those Chinese Cabbage seeds I ordered, but I just don't have the motivation.

Like I mentioned earlier, everything is tired around here. BUT, the garden continues to bring me tomatoes, which I think my sweet spot for the number of plants to grow is 20.

From a distance, everything looks great.

Until.,,this summer's heat and rain has made blight an early, unwelcomed guest to my tomato plants. Poor things...even though I try to trim the disease out, it's a losing battle.

The spaghetti squash looked promising, but I have since pulled it out. The squash bugs and vine borers were too much. Next year, I will try them again with row covers.

The bush beans are always a true-blue trooper, but I didn't put in enough plants this year.

In the flower bed by the deck, the milkweed has reseeded over the years and has taken over. I don't mind and love the monarch butterflies it attracts.

Lastly, one lone gladiola is sending out the last flower stalk of the season.

The poplar trees are already changing their leaves and beginning to drop. They are always the first. Everyone and everything around here is eager to move on to cooler weather!

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