Monday, November 24, 2008

Meet Mr. or Mrs. Burns!

To save you from the constant onslaught of food porn that is pouring in from other foodies this week, I bring you Mr. or Mrs. Burns the Black Racer!

We've seen this little guy (girl?) zipping around our property for some time. Maybe a year or so. But lately we've seen a few babies here and there, so we've considered renaming him/her to Mrs. Burns (anyone a Simpson's fan?).

She's sweet and sleepy lately due to the cool weather, but she still manages to give me a good jump every now and again when I least expect it. She's about 4 foot long and a nice addition to our cache of critters.

Anyone know anything about snakes? Is this a black racer? (I hope!)


R.Powers said...

Black racer.
Aptly named too, they are zippy fast!

Marysol said...

Kathy, no matter how sweet that creature and its babies may be, if I ever ran into anything like that, "racer" would have nothing on me.

Just the Right Size said...

Awww Sol, they're good guys (and gals)! They're lovers, not fighters. :-)


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