Monday, March 20, 2017

Happy Spring! - Gratuitous Kitteh Monday

Whooo boy! It's been a busy week or so, but today is the first day of Spring, and I'm happy that last week's snow storm didn't take out my newly sprouted garden greens.

Here's what I've been up to lately...

First, there was the time change, which I HATE. Don't get me wrong, I eventually love having more daylight time at the end of the day, but the mornings are a beyotch...WHEW!

Second, I've made a bit more soapy goodies...

I retried my 100% Olive Oil Castile soap and I love, luuuurve how it turned out!

I tried another recipe where I did my first in-the-pot-swirl and I love how it turned out and the soap quality. This is a nice, hard bar, but I have some soda ash to deal with. A soap drying rack is on my "need" list for the near future.

I made another batch of "Pure Honey" soap and I'm still on the fence about the fragrance oil. I actually mixed this fragrance batch with some cybilla almond to make a "Honey Almond" soap and the almond is coming through more in the scent. Time will tell after it cures.

I'm still playing with bath bombs and such. I'm solid on bubble bars and I still am tweaking my bath bomb recipe, but I'm about 90% there.

Third, hubby and I started tackling our back porch rescreen project, but first we had to dig up all these perennials so they wouldn't get stomped on and before they started to really grow. I am SO SORE today! We only got the front part of the porch rescreened over the weekend, but that was the hardest part out of the whole project.

Plus it rained over the weekend, so it was basically getting up on high ladders with air compressed staple and nail guns in soft, sinking mud. Fun times.

It's all downhill from here. Famous last words, right?

And fourth, I made the most fan-friggin-delicious pot of Bean and Bacon soup last week! I'm definitely going to make it again soon so I can tell you about it.

Chaz says, listening to all of this work being done has made him tired, so he's just going to take another nap. :-)

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