So, I drive a PT Cruiser. I love that car! It's small, but big when I need it, and it's cute with lot's of tailgating potential. I take good care of it, so when it started acting funny the past day or two, I told hubs to take it in to Chrysler for an oil change and to have it checked out.
He called me later and told me that a squirrel had gotten under the hood and decided it looked awful homey, so it built a nest using ohh, insulation and wiring it managed to gnaw from the ENGINE!
WTF? I drive my car everyday, so it's not idle. We don't have any trees around our house and we live in a subdivision, not the boonies. This is going to cost mayjah $$ to fix, but the worst part is the little *&%^$#er will come back and rebuild! This isn't New Orleans, you squirrely little bastard!
I've heard of this happening up north, but not in Florida! Does anyone know what I should do?
I have heard of it happening up here, but have no idea how to prevent it. Sorry for the damage to your car.
Well, I just had to "google" this problem, one suggestion was to scatter cayenne pepper under the hood .. who knows ?
Yeah, I've heard that too, but with my luck the pepper would get sucked up into the vent intake and blown into my car! :-)
Kathy, therein lies the problem, you live in a subdivision, with nary a tree in sight. Where is the little guy supposed to go?
Anyway, if all else fails, you might want to contact these folks
Seriously, I understand why you're upset, and I really wish I had a solution for you. Unlike you, I live in the boonies, and I've never had this happened to me, yet.
Actually, that's not entirely true. We had a cat hiding in the engine of my avalanche a few years ago. We tried everything to coax him out, but the feline was just too terrified to come out.
But (and I know the animal rights activists are gonna cringe at this), the only thing that finally worked was hosing the cat full blast. He shot out from under the hood like a bat out of hell. And ran, never looking back.
Good luck pal.
LOL... only you... so my suggestion is build gnummy is own squirrel house. and then leave peanuts as a trail to it. ha.
thats too funny. ah sorry!!! :) it is!!!
i have a family of 10 in my yards? and they don't really gnaw on much are you sure it ain't rats?
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